Masterwork Dwarf Fortress For Mac
Masterwork Dwarf Fortress - this is the MacOs Version. Short summary - MORE FPS, NO CLUTTER. Fixes bugs and rebalances features. Weaker traps, harder farming, mining and smithing.
Human and Elf diplomats. You can now order from caravans again. Trading is very important and a lot harder. More invaders will come.
Forst Giants, Automatons, Warlocks, Orcs, Zombies. Adds unique stuff like guardian turrets, golems, decoys and landmines. Adds new weapons and armor. Guns, 2handed melee, dual wielding, throwing weapons. A lot of non-ingame stuff, like pre-genned worlds and embark profiles.
Religion and Castes - Gem warfare, use gems for weapons. 45 magic arrow types, 3 metal upgrades. Adds +75 buildings, +850 creatures, +150 plants, +120 trees, +25 intruments, +85 toys, +85 food types, +75 weapons and armor, +75 engravings, +250 pref-strings, +35 civs. All of these are optional.
Reward system for people who explore the caverns, fight megabeasts and the HFS. Forum thread. Praise Armok!
Masterwork Dwarf Fortress For Mac Free
I am cursed with a peculiar curse: My PC broke and now all I have is my crappy MacBook. The only thing I can really use that for is roguelike games. It somehow miraculously runs Dwarf Fortress (probably because it doesn't need to tax a graphics card).
I've been looking for a fun mod and thought, 'Hm, maybe I'll download Kobold Camp again.' I was somewhat disheartened when I saw it was a plugin; they don't work with Mac. Then I saw MacOSX version. My prayers were answered! Time to strike the earth!
For all of you who are curious what you have to do is 1. Open the Folder 2. Go to the folder called 'Dwarf Fortress' 3.
Double click the unix/linux executable (looks like a little gray rectangle on mavericks) called 'dfhacklauncher' if you want to run with dfhack, this is necessary for some parts of the mod and adds some things that really help play ability but don't give you an edge specifically autobutcher and autonestbox, otherwise double click the unix/linux executable called 'df'. This will open a new Terminal window and then a new Dwarf Fortress window. Settings does not work unless run with wine, i don't, directions are.
Dwarf Fortress Masterwork
I don't do it so i can't help you unfortunately.