Setting Emacs For Mac

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M-x customize-face RET default will allow you to set the face default face, on which all other faces base on. There you can set the font-size. Here is what is in my.emacs. Actually, color-theme will set the basics, then my custom face setting will override some stuff. The custom-set-faces is written by emacs's customize-face mechanism:;; my colour theme is whateveryouwant:) (require 'color-theme) (color-theme-initialize) (color-theme-whateveryouwant) (custom-set-faces;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. I've got the following in my.emacs: (defun fontify-frame (frame) (set-frame-parameter frame 'font 'Monospace-11'));; Fontify current frame (fontify-frame nil);; Fontify any future frames (push 'fontify-frame after-make-frame-functions) You can subsitute any font of your choosing for 'Monospace-11'. The set of available options is highly system-dependent.

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Using M-x set-default-font and looking at the tab-completions will give you some ideas. On my system, with Emacs 23 and anti-aliasing enabled, can choose system fonts by name, e.g., Monospace, Sans Serif, etc.

Emacs Mac Port

Here's an option for resizing the font heights interactively, one point at a time:;; font sizes (global-set-key (kbd 's-=') (lambda (interactive) (let ((old-face-attribute (face-attribute 'default:height))) (set-face-attribute 'default nil:height (+ old-face-attribute 10))))) (global-set-key (kbd 's-') (lambda (interactive) (let ((old-face-attribute (face-attribute 'default:height))) (set-face-attribute 'default nil:height (- old-face-attribute 10))))) This is preferable when you want to resize text in all buffers. I don't like solutions using text-scale-increase and text-scale-decrease as line numbers in the gutter can get cut off afterwards. Aquamacs: (set-face-attribute 'default nil:font 'Monaco-16' ) From the Emacs Wiki, it says you can use either of these: (set-face-attribute 'default nil:font FONT ) (set-frame-font FONT nil t) Where FONT is something like 'Monaco-16', e.g.: (set-face-attribute 'default nil:font 'Monaco-16' ) There was an extra closing parenthesis in the first suggestion on the wiki, which caused an error on startup. I finally noticed the extra closing parenthesis, and I subsequently corrected the suggestion on the wiki. Then both of the suggestions worked for me. I use package to control font increase/decrease contiguously by pressing f2 + + + +/ f2 -, which means that press f2 once, and then using +/ - to control only, and restore default font size by f2 0. Because i have keypad, so I also bind keypad to the font setting.

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(defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map ') 'zoom' (' text-scale-increase 'in') ('+' text-scale-increase 'in') ('-' text-scale-decrease 'out') (' text-scale-decrease 'out') ('0' (text-scale-set 0) 'reset') (' (text-scale-set 0) 'reset')) And modern editor mouse control functionality supported by below key bindings, press control + mouse wheel to increase/decrease font. (global-set-key (kbd ') 'text-scale-increase) (global-set-key (kbd ') 'text-scale-decrease).

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